Tried to post photo..

Hi Lorie,

Thank you for reporting this. You should be able to post your photos now. The default setting of this forum was set too small for todays larger photos. It is now set to accommodate any photos taken by modern phones all the way up to examples such as iPhone 15, Google Pixel 8 and semi- professional cameras.

Feel free to try again. Each post now allows up to 10 photos each as well.


-People can now upload photos to these forums from your phones
-Audio file uploads are now allowed, so uploads of podcasts will now work
-Video file uploads are now working
-Links to Youtube videos are now working

Thank you for finding and reporting such an important issue.
Lovely! :)
When growing melons at 5th street for years, 99% were eaten by something, seems to be rats. We got one single watermelon a few years ago.
Whatever is eating them, knows when they are ripe. You can have a melon on the vine and think, yeah, that will be ready tomorrow or the next day and then BOOM! Eaten out. These vermin obviously know when they are perfectly ripe.

We may start to use chickens as well. The City of Davis allows us to coop chickens in our garden lots, right? :p
Umm, I hope you're joking. Chickens are not allowed at the Davis Community Garden on 5th Street. Page 3 of the policies. Anyway, Thanks Greg for building this site!
Several years ago there were some feral cats that liked to roam the garden. I think they were being fed by someone at the school district yard. They did a really good job of keeping the rodent population manageable. Several gardeners planted catnip to keep them happy. In spring 2020 I observed one of these cats traveling along the garden walkways carrying a juvenile skunk. She dragged it under the fence to the DJUSD yard. Pretty amazing.