I closed the tab for the Davis Gardens Forum and reopened it, and now most pictures have filled in (which could be a coincidence) - they fill in from top of each image to the bottom at differing rates, and I can't tell why they start and stop downloading. It may be a function of my scrolling over the image links, but some seem to fill independent of that. Comcast/internet speed is a big issue in our household. We have a number of different variables, and we used to rely on some CAT 5 cable I ran on the outside of the house for connection upstairs, but we now power pretty much everything (TVs, phones, computers) via WIFI (the cable degraded). I just installed a WIFI extender on the upstairs landing and it seems (as a result of google speed test) to greatly improve upstairs reception. It is, of course, a hard thing to troubleshoot because it could sometimes be Comcast and the way they burst data, the overall load on the Comcast coax, or who is sharing the same channel in the house, or the overall load in the house, or the router/cable modem needing a reset.
PS scrolling through the pictures now they are all present.